
Hello, My Name Is

Andreja Simonović

And I'm a

"Never give up on a dream just because of time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway".

− Earl Nightingale

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Image of Andreja with light blue background
Image of Andreja with dark blue background and light blue border

About Me

Quick Summary!

Hello my name is Andreja Simonović. I was born on January 26, 1992. in Belgrade, Serbia. Currently employed in a real estate agency. Through many years of work in the real estate agency, I have acquired excellent communication and working skills. I have been learning Web Development by myself since 2021. Im trying to change career in to Frontend Web Development. As a quote from Home section says "Never give up on a dream just because of time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway". Husband and father of one child. Lover of the cryptocurrencys, books, chess, gym, Moto GP, watches, modern technologies.

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My Projects

Personal Site

Build my personal portfolio website using: HTML5, CSS3, Tailwind and JavaScript. In my opinion visualy my best project.

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Weather App

Weather widget was practice for async/await.

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Last and hardest project from The Odin Project Foundations course. It was very hard, but in the end I'm very proud on this project. Also it's pretty.

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Omni Food

Last project from Udemy course "Build Responsive Real-World Websites with HTML and CSS" by instructor Jonas Schmedtmann.

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Analog Clock

Colorful, beautiful, smooth, analog watch. Insipered by my passion for analog watches.

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Credit Card

Unexpected project idea from the internet. I used this project to practice "glass effect" and text shadow effect. It is pure HTML and CSS and in my opinion it look's beautifull.

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Tic Tac Toe

Project from The Odin Project Full JavaScript Developer path JavaScript Course. I was practicing DOM manipulation and refactoring.

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Also project from The Odin Project Full Stack JavaScript Developer path JavaScript Course. It was all about using constructors. I also give my best to make it pretty.

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Landing Page

Project from The Odin Project Foundations Course. Practicing flex skills. It wasn't hard but it's simple and nice so i think it's worth showing.

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Etch a Sketch

Also project from The Odin Project Foundations Course. Again not that hard but it' s sympatic project.

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